Bitcoin 360 Ai 3.0 Evex – intro to the crypto coin app 🙋
Bitcoin 360 Ai 3.0 Evex and XBT versions are part of the growing trend of automated crypto trading apps. There are several cryptocurrency trading apps available in the market, some are very basic and some include complex or non user friendly interfaces and only few are backed with sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms such as our BTC 360 Ai app. To advance your trading experience and margin potentials, we believe that traders should pick the right app and stick to it.
As several apps available in the market, picking the right one can be overwhelming for many. Many apps are just out there for different commercial reasons which not always in line with their traders interests so you must be careful when picking the right one for you. To help you out, we will be walking you through this guide on our app which includes our ‘what is Bitcoin 360 Ai’ section, real trader review and other important information. It will help you decide whether our app is suitable for you.
What is Bitcoin 360 Ai ?

Bitcoin 360 Ai is an Ai-driven automated trading web app for both mobile and desktop devices. It is an app which produce trade opportunities signals based on pattern recognition algorithms. The app follows a sophisticated algo protocols to identify trade opportunities in cryptocurrencies like XBT, ETH and more. You can set your personalized trading modes through the Bitcoin 360 Ai app.

BTC Evex 3.0 Pro is a trading app that tracks crypto coins market movements while comparing them via a smart back testing, and when certain conditions are met – a trade alert is triggered on the app front-end; such signals suggests you buy or sell and you can choose from automated trade execution mode and a manual one. This cryptocurrency trading app interface has been designed for beginners and experienced traders alike.

The cryptocurrency app includes a portfolio management reporting interface that records your assets and current profit/loss trades. In the future you will also be able to monitor your external trades in the app by adding entries manually or automatically from any other exchange where you hold bitcoins or altcoins. You can also get trade signals for leveraged and CFD products using the BTC 360 Ai.

For those who are interesting in exploring more about cryptocurrencies but never took the step, the Bitcoin 360 Ai is an ideal tool. With Bitcoin 360 Ai you can easily begin trading, this is because most of the trading activities will carry out are automated (in case you set up your account for the auto trading feature). Furthermore, registering for the app does not require any upfront payment, only when you feel confidence enough to begin trading then you will be required to fund the account with one of the supporting brokers in order to have the liquidity for the trades.

A professional crypto savvy team develops the BTC Evex 3.0 Pro with an aim to make it accessible for anyone, therefore traders do not need prior knowledge to begin with cryptocurrency trading. All you need is a device – whether your phone, tablet, or even PC – and an internet connection and you are set to go. Our team are constantly updating the app with new features and tools in order to keep our traders with up-to-date trading experience and optimal results.

Our default XBT app version is tackling the issues that comes with manual trading. Manual trading is a time-consuming process, not to mention the human error potential factor that can affect margins. On the other hand, with automated mode feature like Bitcoin 360 Ai have, you can enjoy complete automation and free yourself from manual work. The app will do everything for you – from finding probable trades to executing them at an optimal price.
How to Create a BTC Evex 3.0 Pro Account
Now that you are acquainted with Bit Evex Pro 3.0 existence, we will walk you through the registration and activation process of the App.
Step 1: Registration
The first step is to visit our homepage and use the registration form located at the top of the homepage. Fill in your name, email address and a valid phone number with accurate information. It is important that you provide us with a valid phone number so that us or one of the supporting trade execution liquidity brokers can reach you out for security verifications, large trade executions vocal confirmation (in case we detect unusual trade volume) etc.
Step 2 (optional): Try the Demo Account
To understand our app better, we recommend you to begin with the demo account trading first, this will allow you to trade manually or in an automated mode in a demo environment but using exactly the same features as the live trading environment.
Step 3: Connect To A Liquidity Broker
As soon as your app access is done, you will need to connect it with one of our supportive liquidity brokers where the actual trades executions are done. Bit Evex Pro 3.0 is a trade opportunity alert system that is connected via API with various liquidity brokers who are executing the trades based on the trader settings of the App. After your registration with our app is done and with your consent, we will pass your contact details to the broker who will contact you for the live trade execution activation.
Step 4: Start The Trading ?
It’s time to start trading. Via the app control panel, you will be able to select if to enable the auto trading feature, manual or even hybrid. Trades can as low as 50 Euro value per trade and if your account liquidity supports this so maximum trade is basically unlimited.
Bitcoin 360 Ai 3.0 Evex and XBT App – Real traders Reviews
Bitcoin 360 Ai is committed to provide simplified by yet advance and quality trading experience to our traders, to achieve this goal, from time to time we are hiring crypto experts to review and audit our app and provide their feedbacks, as well as to provide us with researches and reports about Bitcoin 360 Ai scam duplications. We are publishing such feedbacks here below:
“The Bitcoin 360 AI platform provides an advanced trading experience in the crypto niche; it has a simplified and intuitive front end but yet includes complex features that can be seen on heavy trade platforms that are used by professional traders.”
“This Bitcoin trading app uses artificial intelligence algorithms that are scanning the markets in a search for historical back-tested patterns and triggering trade signals when probable trades are recognized. This app skill makes it attractive for inexperience crypto newbies.”
Worthy Tips for Beginners
Maintain a minimal investment.
Initially, it is wise to keep your investments to the minimum by investing in one or two cryptocurrencies.
Beginners should start by setting comparatively lower investment goals.
Once you gain confidence, you can enhance them gradually. Setting high goals might disappoint you if they are not achieved in the given period.
The most important thing for all traders is to maintain self-discipline.
Educate yourself by using resources accessible on the internet
Search the internet for crypto strategies, tips, news and etc. You can discover ideas and information that can help you take more calculated decisions.
Have a better understanding of how these cryptocurrencies work
Every cryptocurrency is unique, so it is important to know its different features and characteristics. For instance, Bitcoin is a P2P cryptocurrency where the transactions are carried out without going through an intermediary. On the other hand, Ethereum transactions go via Smart Contracts. The main thing you must focus on before investing your money in any particular currency is learning about its features.
Be very Caution about leverage
It can be dangerous to get started without understanding the risks involved in trading cryptocurrencies on leverage. Using leverage can be a good tool in some cases, but you must know what you are doing before you use this feature.
We believe that all traders need to diversify their investments. Spreading investments over various markets and different cryptocurrencies is an important risk mitigation aspect that each investor should consider
Learn to Recognize and Analyze Trends
Fortunately, several resources on the internet provide you with useful data about markets trends and behavior, enabling you to make better decisions while trading.
Bitcoin 360 Ai Pros & Cons
- Trading available 24/7
- Designed for both beginners and advance traders
- No app usage fees
- Advance artificial intelligence algorithms
- Connection to multiple liquidity brokers
- Demo account available
- There are risk involved
- Old devices or browsers may not be supported
- Social copy trading is not supported
- Not available for USA citizens
BTC 3.0 Evex 360 Ai Worldwide
Except few restricted countries such as USA, China and few other countries where Cryptocurrencies are monitored or has complex or expected upcoming regulations or countries that are under sanctions – the Evex 3.0 Pro App is operating globally.
In this section we will briefly describe some important regulatory highlights on few English speaking selected countries:
United Kingdom:
UK citizens are allowed to register for the App, there are strict advertising restrictions for cryptocurrencies in the UK which we comply with and therefor our UK traders mainly coming across our app from social references of other traders, friends recommendation or search engines.
There are currently no prohibition or ban on cryptocurrencies in Ireland, but in relation to taxes, the local tax authorities made it clear that crypto in Ireland is subject to Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax (see point 1.3 in this crypto taxation guide provided by the Irish tax and customs office). We welcome Irish traders to join our Coin 360 Ai community but at the same time we advise all Irish traders to take professional tax advise from an Irish consultant.
Australia currently does not regulate cryptocurrencies and is a base to few of the largest crypto exchanges in the world. But any Australian crypto trader must pay special attention to tax payments as capital gains may apply because it is treated essentially as property for tax purposes.
New Zealand:
Cryptocurrencies are not currently regulated in NZ, but service providers that are based in New Zealand or actively solicitations New Zealand citizens must obtain license from the FMA. The XBT 360 Ai App does not actively marketing itself in New Zealand but traders that are visiting our site are able to register for the App.
It is estimated that approximately one million people in Malaysia owns crypto currencies which means a bit over 3% of the population. At the same time, we could not find any public record in regards to official regulations for crypto in Malaysia, therefor Malaysia crypto community is one of the biggest in Asia.
To a certain extend Singapore is considered a crypto friendly jurisdiction, however, MAS the financial regulated in Singapore is concern about speculative crypto trading, especially margin trading instruments. Therefor, our supportive brokers might apply certain margin restrictions on Singapore clients accounts.
Cryptocurrencies are not yet considered legal tender in Canada and therefor trading it does not require any special permit. However due to AML and taxes laws and regulations our supportive liquidity broker might conduct proper know your client checks as well as confirmation that the trading activities are being declared to the relevant tax authorities.
South Africa:
As a non ZA based app, we are not required to register with the ZA regulators but at the same time we do not activity solicitations South African residences but word of mouth or social viral discussions are leading a lot of ZA traders to our community.
Cryptocurrencies are extremely popular in India, however, Indian traders must put extra care on local Indian taxes when dealing with cryptocurrencies while using our XBT iFex App or any other crypto dealing tool, we strongly advise that any trader (from India or elsewhere) will take appropriate tax specialist advise in order to comply with local taxes laws and regulations.
Evex 3.0 Pro offers Automated, Manual or Hybrid models
You can engage in day trading even when you are asleep. Just set the app in motion, and it will do the rest for you.
Bitcoin 360Ai is offers advanced fully-automated trading mode that allows traders to execute trades automatically based on pre-set min/max trade amounts, risk level and preferred crypto assets.
Using the details manual mode allows traders to be in full control over their trades. The app will continue to alert trade opportunities and the actual execution will be done only when you manually set and execute it through the app.
Our hybrid model gives traders the ability to set maximum loss/profit per each trade as well as future trade orders. so essentially traders will manually set future execution order limits and the app will automatically execute them if the conditions are met.
Beware Of the Risks In Trading Cryptocurrencies
In principal, any form of investment carries risk, the say “high risk, high return” is not a completed one as we think it should continue with “or high losses”. Cryptocurrencies are by definition decentralized digital assets and therefor not regulated, this makes crypto trading even more risky then other financial instruments. Our personal opinion is that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in its financial aspect will continue to develop and gain more trust and credibility worldwide, but until this market will become more mature and regulated, it is expected that it’s volatility will continue to be unexpected which makes crypto trading riskier in compare to other transitional assets.
We would like to point-out our general risk recommendations:
- Do not risk what you cannot afford to loss.
- Diversify your investments in multiple asset classes.
- Do not leverage your trades unless you clearly understand and can afford any potential losses outcome in case markets goes against your expectation.
- Get a proper advise from professional investment advisor, especially if you are an inexperience investor in the financial markets and in crypto markets in specific.
Bitcoin 360 Ai, the XBT App – Our Verdict
Bitcoin 360 Ai is an artificial inteligense algorithm based crypto trading app that is designed to monitor live markets patterns and correlations while comparing them with historical market data and when certain conditions are met, a trade opportunity alert is signaled on the app user interface. The app is focused on so-called technical analysts and is not designed for fundamental market events considerations, it includes several layers and features such as the 3.0 Evex and XBT versions within the same app access and is supporting manual, fully automated or hybrid trading modes. Our traders community includes members from various countries and future feature will include social elements to support our long term vision – to become a crypto traders global community where trades can share ideas, strategies, experiences and take active part in the future evolvement of our app and projects.